Bringing TOB to Teachers
September 27, 2018
Empowering teachers to encourage students
Our culture is suffering from anthropological amnesia. As a result, we now have generations of humans who have forgotten how to be human. Now is the time to proclaim the message of the Theology of the Body, which brings us back “to the beginning” to show us God’s original plan for human life and love.
Ruah Woods has taken up the challenge of proclaiming this message to the masses via the Rooted K-12 TOB curriculum. This curriculum is a great tool for teachers, but we didn’t stop there. Because Theology of the Body is relatively new in the K-12 educational field, we now bring training directly to teachers and catechists. Schools are provided with a 1-2 day in-person training from nationally acclaimed Theology of the Body speakers.
Teachers from all over the US are singing their praises:
“As a 40-year educator that has survived dozens of curriculum presentation, THIS WAS THE BEST!”
–Mike DeWitt 5th grade Teacher St. Joseph Academy, Kenosha, WI
“TOB could be the answer to so many of the problems our culture is facing today, and I’m excited to bring everything I’ve learned today back to my parish.”
–Director of Religious Education, Toledo, OH
“It has opened my eyes at how much I’ve missed in all my years of Catholic education.”
–K-8 Teacher, Kenosha, WI
“I’m craving to learn more and share this with my students and teachers. I enjoyed it all & did not want it to end!”
–Melissa Perry, DRE St. Joes Tiffin, OH
“Today was an excellent day for refocusing and refreshing my faith. Today also gave me excellent ideas for how to see my students in a fresh way. And finally, I feel better about who I am. Thanks!”
–High School Teacher Milwaukee, WI
Theology of the Body is an invaluable lens through which to view and understand the human person. To learn more about bringing training to your school, click the “Training” tab at www.RuahWoodsPress.com