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A Warm Welcome to Victoria O’Donnell to the Ruah Woods Team

A Warm Welcome to Victoria O’Donnell to the Ruah Woods Team

Tell me a little about yourself? I am a Cincinnati native with years of experience in both ministry and sales. Which,…

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The Word Made Flesh: Human Dignity Made Manifest

The Word Made Flesh: Human Dignity Made Manifest

In the grand tapestry of creation, the pinnacle of God’s goodness is embodied in humanity. This truth is deeply rooted…

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Original Shame — Part 2

Original Shame — Part 2

As described in my previous article, Pope St. John Paul II regarded the emergence of shame in the wake of…

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Original Shame — Part 1

Original Shame — Part 1

As we have been exploring the nature and effects of original sin on humanity, it is now time to plunge…

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Objective and Subjective Truth in the Catholic Classroom

Objective and Subjective Truth in the Catholic Classroom

In today’s classroom, students often come to us with their own understanding of “truth.” The definition of the word “truth”…

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OcTOBer is Respect Life Month

OcTOBer is Respect Life Month

Respect Life Month is an important time for Catholic educators to reflect on and promote the divine revelations that are…

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The Wounds of Sin

The Wounds of Sin

In our last two reflections, we have explored the nature of the sin that occurred at the beginning of human…

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Good Grounds for Hope in Solitude

Good Grounds for Hope in Solitude

A quick google search of the question, “What do people fear most” reveals a plethora of studies along with a…

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The Tragedy of Sin — Part 2

The Tragedy of Sin — Part 2

As we began to explore last time, at the beginning of human history, there was a fundamental break from the…

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School of Holiness

School of Holiness

Starting a brand-new school year with a new class of students is similar to opening a gift. It is exciting…

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