Culture-Change Springs in Cincinnati (Again!)
March 20, 2019
Laura Strietmann, Curriculum Consultant at Ruah Woods Press was inspired when asked this very question, “Why Cincinnati?” She was at an out-of-state ROOTED: Theology of the Body Curriculum presentation. Providentially, she pondered this very mystery herself for quite some time. So at that moment, this is what the Holy Spirit placed upon her heart. Laura insightfully responded, “Cincinnati has a marked history of taking the lead in culture-changing initiatives.” She continued, “Harriet Beecher Stowe, living in Cincinnati, was inspired to write Uncle Tom’s Cabin. This was the beginning of the end of slavery in our country. Our own Dr. Wilke was a pioneer in defending the rights of our smallest, voiceless citizens in founding the pro-life movement decades ago. And now, Archbishop Schnurr is shining another beacon into the darkness, helping each person reclaim their God-given human dignity, declaring his vision that every school and parish become a TOB Campus”.
What is a TOB Campus? A community of persons where everybody is seen as a gift. The Archbishop’s boldness in this effort has spawned the ROOTED: K-12 Theology of the Body Curriculum as well as a dozen dioceses across the US adopting this curriculum into their schools. Thank you for all you are doing to carry this vision forward and your future plans to promulgate these beautiful teachings.
Last week, on March 8, our Good Shepherd, Archbishop Schnurr sent out a clarion call to the principals of all the Catholic Grade Schools within the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. In his letter, Archbishop required every grade school to purchase the ROOTED: Theology of the Body Curriculum produced by Ruah Woods. The plan called for this curriculum to be utilized in the 2019/2020 school year in Kindergarten through Grade 8, with future plans to promulgate up to Grade 12. He further encouraged each of these schools to live out what they teach and learn — as a TOB Campus (TOBCampus.com).
Theology of the Body is an uplifting, inspiring Christian education in what it means to be human — the gift of being made in the image and likeness of God, as male and female, called to love one another as God loves. It gives us a profound perspective on why we are here and how we are to reach our ultimate destiny. Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body plunges us into “the perspective of the whole gospel, of the whole teaching, even more, of the whole mission of Christ.” (TOB 49:3) It’s a culture-changer at any age — as we help our students and parents reclaim the dignity of the human person.
- AGE-APPROPRIATE LESSONS derived from the original texts of Man and Woman He Created Them and the teaching style of Pope St. John Paul II.
- SUPPLEMENTAL COURSES that are both inexpensive and easily taught alongside your current curriculum.
- AUTHENTIC to Pope St. John Paul II, as all curriculum writers and designers are graduates of the JPII Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family.
- ENJOYABLE TO EXPLORE for both teachers and students alike — a classic grade school approach and relevant online high school style opens minds to discovering truth through the deep beauty of the concepts at every age.
- CHURCH APPROVED with the imprimatur from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati serving as your assurance that all teaching is in conformity with the magisterium of the Catholic Church.
- TEACHING SUPPORT available through Ruah Woods Press includes live educator workshops and seminars, training videos and downloadable podcasts all to enrich your life and your gift of teaching.
The time is now — the place is here, springing from the southwest corner of our little heart-shaped state.
— Steve Deiters, Director, Curriculum Development (with gratitude and acknowledgement of Laura Strietmann’s Holy Spirit-filled inspiration)