Fall Curriculum Update
September 21, 2017
Waiting for the fullness of time.
So, with best intentions, we hoped and worked to be able to deliver our long-awaited K-2 curriculum to schools by now. And yet…we are still waiting.
The material has been wonderfully written and beautifully designed (that work was wrapped up by mid-summer). And as much as we would love to push the button on an advance printing to share this with teachers and students who have been so patient along this journey, we have one act of obedience yet to accomplish. This material — two units per grade, Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2 — has been under review for the imprimatur and we are still awaiting that blessing from Mother Church.
And so we patiently wait. At the latest, we anticipate being able to ship this curriculum by January. With 2 units per grade, this represents 2-4 weeks of teaching per year, so for enterprising and eager teachers, this could be worked into the teaching schedule between February and April OF THIS SCHOOL YEAR! To that end, we are taking orders from those schools, classrooms, PRP programs and homes that want to be among the first to be teaching the glorious truths of our faith through the lens of human love and human dignity.
We trust God’s timing will be perfect.
Let us hear from you…
If you would like to place your pre-order for any K-2 materials now — as many already have, we will gratefully accept. Click here to get started.
Grade 3-5 and Grade 6-8 (pilot material) is scheduled to deliver by fall of 2018. We will accept advance orders in anticipation of those materials as the gets closer.
The high school curriculum wait is over! Praise be to God! Called to be More is online and being eagerly received by many schools, teachers and students. Come see for yourself what the excitement is all about! With a $5 subscription, you can have access to all six semesters. In addition to being a treasured resource for students, we are discovering it’s a great way for educators and parents to learn the nuance and delight of Theology of the Body at home. Click here now (enroll one student — yourself) if you would like to explore the beauty and richness of Called to be More.
Beauty will Save the World
The vision of Pope St. John Paul II in spreading the wonder of our faith through the lens of human love and human dignity is dawning. Next year, we will have Theology of the Body material for every grade level K-12. We hope you join us in bringing this light into the world starting in your classrooms!