New Vocabulary for Teachers
March 30, 2021
Mask breaks, social distancing, COVID-19, plexiglass dividers, outbreak, herd immunity, super-spreader and on and on and on. New vocabulary for the times we are living to avoid a physical viral infection. Just about a year ago, if we had been expected to know what these words and phrases would mean and how they related to our world and our Catholic schools, certainly a wave of confusion would have appeared.
Learning and adapting to this new “viral language” has catapulted Catholic school leaders and teachers into heroes (TRULY!) during these extremely difficult times. Keeping schools open, wherever possible, has been an incredible act of love and generosity, making a total gift of self and willing the good of others.
Gift of self, good of the other, original man, the body reveals the person, communion of persons, eschaton, unique body-soul combination; we could also go on and on with so many other novel vocabulary phrases and healing language that can serve as a salve for our cultural infection. Just over forty-one years ago, Pope St. John Paul II began giving a catechesis on human dignity and the meaning of the human person, combined body and soul, Theology of the Body. Contained in this “new” divine revelation and grand teaching on salvation history, are indeed life-healing words!
Learning this new “life-giving language” is another way that elevates Catholic school leaders into heroes, or better yet, inspires Saints for the new millennium! Ruah Woods Press is here to assist in this hero-making and saint-inspiring mission through our expanding K-12 Theology of the Body Curriculum offerings.
Possibly you have heard about our supplemental, affordable, story-based, enjoyable religious education curriculum that uplifts inherent human dignity, but you may not have known how to begin, especially during the year we’ve had? Perhaps it has seemed to be too much, an overload of new words and concepts having already been incurred? Maybe you have not known how to take the steps to insulate students against this culture of death? Although, for sure the plexiglass is in place. Most probably you have a busy classroom and a busy life outside your vocation as a teacher, and yes, it is all too overwhelming right now!
We want to help with an invitation for you! Just as a new life-saving pandemic vocabulary had to be implemented this past year, we invite you to learn & incorporate some , body-and-soul-saving Theology of the Body vocabulary by “attending” the 2021 NCEA Conference online. NCEA 2021: April 6-8, 2021 – Ignite. Unite. Inspire.
Beginning the Tuesday after Easter, April 6, 2021, this previously live, in-person, but currently virtual (see what we mean- new vocabulary!) outstanding event will be an opportunity to explore Ruah Woods Press’ cyber- booth, speak to staff members, and attend three separate presentations on Theology of the Body and Christian Anthropology for educators. Take this time to learn the new life-saving vocabulary of Theology of the Body!
Discover the deep and enriching catechesis of Pope St. John Paul II, applicable to all human persons who have a body and soul (Yep-that covers everyone)! This is the divine revelation the world is craving to understand at this exact moment in history. Theology of the Body is so much more than human sexuality, and it certainly is not just another “chastity program”. TOB is a theological road map of the human person, teaching us where we came from (Eden), where we are living now (fallen, but hopeful) and where we are going (to Heaven, with our bodies and souls). TOB teaches us why our bodies matter on this journey and how we are called to respond to a culture in crisis.
Theology of the Body explains our authentic identity: one humanity and yet two ways of being a human person that is revealed through the body, male or female. TOB points to the trinitarian, life-giving nature of the human person modeled in families, in the image of our Triune God. TOB shows us our genuine vocation, as we are all on a mission to love. TOB instructs us on imitating Christ by making a total gift of self. TOB teaches so much more than all of this too, including a Biblical worldview that is transformative! Sound life-altering and salvific? It is!
We are ready to “virtually meet” you all to share how Theology of the Body enhances and embodies the mission of Catholic education with the very foundation of our authentic human identity in view of God’s design, plan and purpose for us all. God’s truth satisfies the hungry heart we all experience. Learn it & start sharing this gift with your students!
Written by,
Laura Strietmann,
Curriculum Consultant Director for Ruah Woods Press