K-8 Parish Resources

Having trouble deciding which TOB lessons to include in your K-8 parish program?
Need a turn-key TOB-Themed Parish Family Day Retreat for ages K-adult?
We’ve got you covered!
Our team of experts has created custom planning resources for parishes that provide an easy to follow path for every catechist! Get the most out of your REVEALED GRADES K-8 materials no matter how much time you have.
Fill out the form below to gain free access to the resource.

When the students have their own student book K-8, it allows for more engagement with the content, less copying & printing for the catechist & an opportunity for parents at home to understand what is being taught in their child’s religious education classes.
God bless you in your teaching & thank you for all you do to build-up the kingdom of God.
Why is it important to teach Theology of the Body to children?
Theology of the Body answers the deepest questions in our hearts:
Who am I? Why am I here? What does it mean to love?
• Theology of the Body goes to the foundations of personal identity and inherent dignity. It offers an integrated picture of the whole human person, who is made for true and lasting love and relationships.
• It’s a cultural game-changer for someone to be deeply convinced of their personal self-worth, dignity and purpose, knowing oneself to be infinitely and unconditionally loved by God and called to live in a communion of persons in his image, as a gift. This self-knowledge includes respecting and revering oneself, others — and above all — God. It affects the choices made by young people about how they will treat others and expect others to treat them in return.
• In Ruah Woods Institute’s Theology of the Body K-8 curriculum, God’s design of the human person created male or female in his image and likeness for abundant life and authentic love, becomes part of the conversation in age and developmentally appropriate ways. It imparts a sacramental, Biblical lens through which to see and experience the world God created for us.

Need high school curriculum
for your parish?
An excellent Theology of the Body Curriculum source
for any Parish Religious Education Program for teens is