ROOTED's NEW 2nd Edition of our K-5 segment is called REVEALED. Literature-based…
NOW IN STOCK!! The NEW Kindergarten through Grade 5 REVEALED Student Activity Books are the student’s own perforated workbook! They contain all of the worksheets in full color, including beautiful images for some of the pro-life, pro-marriage & pro-family activities, that accompany teaching all 9 lessons in the REVEALED Kindergarten through Grade 5 Teacher’s Guides with storybooks. The Student Activity Book also contains PARENT COMMUNICATIONS in English & Spanish introducing & explaining themes of Theology of the Body that their son or daughter will be learning. One needed per student per grade level each year.
Must be purchasing or have purchased REVEALED K-5 Curriculum kits in the past to utilize these student activity books.
We understand that most Catholic educators and parents lack clear and simple language to help guide children in their God-given identity. The REVEALED foundational K-5 curriculum aims to provide answers. Throughout the materials you’ll explore Theology of the Body themes, such as how we are made in God’s image, what it means to be male and female, and how our worldview will influence the way that we treat others. Easy to use and teacher approved, these individual K-5 Student Activity Books support students as they deepen their understanding of God. They are bursting with color and contain all the worksheets and activities that are contained in the REVEALED K-5 Teacher’s Guides. One consumable student activity book per grade level student per year is needed.
One full-color, engaging REVEALED K-5 Student Activity Book is needed for each student per grade level per year from Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. These consumable, perforated workbooks are the necessary student component for each grade level of the REVEALED Kindergarten through Fifth Grade Teacher’s Guides.
Theology of the Body and Family Life themes are age-appropriate for young learners encouraging a beautiful, biblical perspective with which to view themselves, their peers, family, and the world around them. Each of the 9 stand-alone lessons may be covered within a 45-minute classroom period.
Kindergarten Lesson Themes
Creation is a Gift (Part 1)
Creation is a Gift (Part 2)
Original Solitude (Part 1)
Original Solitude (Part 2)
Dignity of Work
My Body Is a Gift from God
I Am a Son or Daughter of God
Order, Design, and Meaning
God’s Family
First Grade Lesson Themes
Creation is a Gift (Part 1)
Creation is a Gift (Part 2)
Purity of Heart/Virtue
Vocation (Part 1)
Vocation (Part 2)
Body-Soul Unity
My Body is a Gift
My Family is a Gift of God
Marriage is a Gift of God
Second Grade Lesson Themes
Gift-of-Self (Part 1)
Gift-of-Self (Part 2)
Original Unity (Part 1)
Original Unity (Part 2)
The Body Reveals the Person
Marriage is a Gift from God
The Dignity of the Human Person
My Family is a Gift from God
The Body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit
Third Grade Lesson Themes
Gift-of-Self (Part 1)
The Body Reveals the Person
Sin Distorts the Gift
Families Are a Gift
Body-Soul Unity
Gift-of-Self (Part 2)
Original Solitude (Part 1): In the Beginning
Original Solitude (Part 2): Where We Are Now
Original Solitude (Part 3): Our Destiny
Fourth Grade Lesson Themes
Body-Soul Unity
Dignity of the Human Person
Authentic Love
Marriage is a Gift of God
The Priesthood Original
Unity (Part 1): In the Beginning
Original Unity (Part 2): Where We Are Now
Original Unity (Part 3): Our Destiny
Fifth Grade Lesson Themes
Creation is a Gift
The Dignity of the Human Person
The Cardinal Virtues
Original Nakedness (Part 1): In the Beginning
Original Nakedness (Part 2): Where We Are Now
Original Nakedness (Part 3): Our Destiny
Grades K-2
The K-2 curriculum is an invitation to the joy of being created in God’s image and likeness. The truths of Theology of the Body will foster a child’s lifelong dialogue with God. These lower grades use beautifully illustrated children’s literature to pique discovery, and explore their unique role in God’s plan for humanity. Easy to use, and developed in a language children can understand, this curriculum requires no prior knowledge of Theology of the Body.
Grades 3-5
Grades 3 through 5 together offer an introduction to the three “original experiences” Original Solitude, Original Unity, Original Nakedness (a pure gaze viewing one another in full dignity as body-soul composites) that Adam and Eve and all of us encounter as human persons. Children are encouraged to put these truths into their hearts and begin to grow a life of holiness through action. The children discover their current place in history, the importance of the past, and aim for the future, eternal life in heaven, God intends for each of us.
Can I purchase each grade level separately?
Yes, every grade level student activity book is available on its own for purchase.
Are these Student Activity Books heavy?
No, not at all. The cover is made of a very soft, flexible material and the workbooks range anywhere from 64-92 perforated pages. Each workbook ranges from 8-12 ounces. The workbooks are a standard 8.5″ x 11″ size.
Why does the cover have an image of storybook(s)?
Those storybooks are the literature that will be read a few times to the children. It’s nice for them to recognize these classical storybooks from which themes of Theology of the Body are illustrated. We encourage parents at home to check out these books from their local library or purchase them for the home.
Do I need the Teacher’s Guide for the Student Activity Book?
Yes. The Student Activity Book is not a stand-alone resource, but accompanies and is structured by the 9 lessons contained in each non-consumable REVEALED K-5 Teacher’s Guides which are included in each grade level’s curriculum kit.
Can I purchase the Teacher’s Guides separately because we already own the storybooks?
No. Due to our use of carefully chosen storybooks and characters that are intricately woven into understanding some of the TOB themes, plus the publishers graciously allowing this arrangement, we only sell these as a curriculum kit set together—storybook(s) plus Teacher’s Guide. Some schools or parishes take this opportunity with the extra literature books to arrange a “take home bag” with the provided parent letter and story overview to more involve the family in learning and reinforcing this foundational Christian anthropology. Homeschooling families who already have these storybooks often give the extra set as gifts or donate them to a charity in need.
What is Theology of the Body?
Theology of the Body (or TOB) is the basis of our religion curriculum and coursework. But we know that most Catholics don’t have a firm understanding of Theology of the Body yet. That’s why we want to guide you through it. TOB is St. John Paul II’s powerful glimpse of the human person – expressed in 129 separate audiences – revealing the beauty of God’s design for us. TOB helps us to understand how we were created, our identity in Christ, and our giftings, so that we may see ourselves and others the way God intended.