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REVEALED Kindergarten TOB Kit

ROOTED’s NEW 2nd Edition of our K-5 segment is called REVEALED. Literature-based for kindergarteners to discover Theology of the Body and Christian Family Life truths. Non-consumable curriculum kit includes 4 items:  Blueberries for Sal, An Egg is Quiet, one Kindergarten REVEALED Teacher’s Guide, and one REVEALED Student Activity Book.

Also order one Kindergarten Student Activity Book per student per year!


The K-2 curriculum is an invitation to the joy of being created in God’s image and likeness. The truths of Theology of the Body will foster a child’s lifelong dialogue with God. Our kindergarten curriculum uses beautifully illustrated children’s literature to pique discovery, and explore their unique role in God’s plan for humanity. Easy to use, and developed in a language children can understand, this curriculum requires no prior knowledge of Theology of the Body.   

Smiling girl on riverbank sitting in green grass

What’s Included

Teacher’s Guide

The spiral-bound Teacher’s Guide includes nine scripted lessons, guided learning questions, and hands-on activities for young learners. 


Literature + 1 Student Book

Some lessons center around one of these stories, to help children understand Theology of the Body concepts.

2 corresponding storybook covers

REVEALED Kindergarten Curriculum

  • Uniform lesson structure with fruitful discussion questions and enjoyable, feasible activities  
  • Pro-life, pro-family and pro-marriage lessons
  • Beautiful, fine artwork, prayers, and saint connections
  • Parent letter in English and Spanish
  • Teacher resource pages for thorough theme explanations
  • Ideas and phrases for creating a TOB culture in the classroom
  • Lesson extensions that provide additional literature with TOB themes
  • Church approved with imprimatur from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati
  • The missing foundational piece in Catholic religious education today

More Info

Kindergarten Lesson Themes

Theology of the Body and Family Life themes are age-appropriate for young learners encouraging a beautiful, biblical perspective with which to view themselves, their peers, their family, and the world around them. There are nine 45-minute foundational stand-alone lessons.

Creation is a Gift (Part 1) 

Creation is a Gift (Part 2) 

Original Solitude (Part 1) 

Original Solitude (Part 2) 

Dignity of Work 

My Body Is a Gift from God 

I Am a Son or Daughter of God 

Order, Design, and Meaning 

God’s Family

Guidance in forming children to become who God created them to be  

Most Catholic educators and parents lack clear and simple language they can use to help guide children in their God-given identity. REVEALED aims to provide answers.  

  • Easy to use 
  • Requires no prior Theology of the Body experience
  • Offers language kids can understand 
  • Engages minds and hearts through discussion
  • Fosters discovery and creativity 

Why is Theology of the Body for children based in literature? 

Even as a priest, future Pope St. John Paul II used plays, poetry, art and stories to awaken young people to the wonder of their humanity, the purpose of love, and the beauty of their culture. Borrowing insight from the master, many units of our curriculum are centered around a work of literature. 

Capture with your students the joy, wonder, peace, and virtue of discovering the gift of life, and authentic identity and dignity of being male or female in God’s image. 

Can I purchase the Teacher’s Guide separately because we already own the storybooks?

No. Due to our use of carefully chosen storybooks and characters that are intricately woven into understanding some of the TOB themes, plus the publishers graciously allowing this arrangement, we only sell these as a curriculum kit set together—storybooks plus Teacher’s Guide. Some schools or parishes take this opportunity with the extra literature books to arrange a “take home bag” with the provided parent letter and story overview to involve the family in learning and reinforcing this foundational Christian anthropology. Homeschooling families who already have these storybooks often give the extra ones as a gift or donates them to a charity in need.

What is Theology of the Body? 

Theology of the Body (or TOB) is the basis of our religion curriculum and coursework. But we know that most Catholics don’t have a firm understanding of Theology of the Body yet. That’s why we want to guide you through it. TOB is Pope St. John Paul II’s powerful glimpse of the human person — expressed in 129 separate audiences — revealing the beauty of God’s plan and design for us.  TOB helps us to understand how we were created, our identity in Christ, and our giftings, so that we may see ourselves and others the way God intends.


  • Q: Your advice for teachers and staff considering adding in Theology of the Body?
    “Jump in. Don’t wait! You are going to learn, just like the kids are going to learn. It is really possible to just walk in and start [teaching] right away. It’s the missing ingredient to the recipe you’ve been working on [at your school].”

    Tim Reilly
    Former Principal for 22 years of Ignatius of Loyola School currently President of St Xavier High School
  • “This [TOB] tells you not just how [to live the Catholic faith], but why. That is exactly what we were missing all along. We have never gotten kids to explore the why part. We knew there was something not complete with us trying to help kids grow in their faith…It [TOB] opens so many other doors too. Kids are more creative. They can concentrate better. They are not worried about all this social stuff as much.”

    Tim Reilly
    Former Principal for 22 years of Ignatius of Loyola School currently President of St Xavier High School
  • “Anyone who’s been a principal for a while eventually starts figuring out why it is that kids make these mistakes that end up being the discipline problems in your office. It is because they don’t know why they were created. When you can help them figure out that they are created for a unique and special purpose and so is everyone else in their classroom — it totally changes how they interact with each other. Your discipline issues will change completely when kids understand who they are and why they are here. That’s why I am such a fan of Theology of the Body and the tools Ruah Woods Press has to offer.” [As principal of St. Ignatius of Loyola K-8 School with 1,000+ students: discipline files were reduced from 2 full file cabinet drawers to a folder just 3-4″ thick, and the seriousness of the offenses were milder, all attributed to integrating TOB into the school].

    Tim Reilly
    Former Principal for 22 years of St. Ignatius of Loyola School currently President of St. Xavier High School
  • “With the purchase of the On a Mission to Love [Rosary] books, we have incorporated a school wide praying of the
    rosary each and every Tuesday… We also purchased the Theology of the Body textbooks for our
    religion teachers to use during instruction. Fully integrating the TOB curriculum into our school was a goal
    drafted in our 2016-2021 strategic plan, and we feel we have successfully planted the seed with our
    students that they are in fact unique, created in the image and likeness of God, and for a special purpose.”

    Grades K-8 Principal
    St. James School
  • “I loved every bit of the TOB program for my kindergarten class . … Lessons were simple, age appropriate, and meaningful to their little world. Every lesson children were reminded that they are unique, special, and loved. I stayed in the room for each lesson excited to see what I would take away from the class, and so I could continue with her [the designated TOB teacher] message during the rest of the week. A very positive experience for me and all my little friends!”

    Kindergarten Teacher
    St. Ignatius of Loyola
  • “St. Ignatius is nurturing a generation of children who will grow in confidence, knowing their true identity as sons and daughters of God. This is the foundation they need to be able to go forth and set the world on fire, approaching the world’s concerns in a rightly-ordered manner. There is nothing of higher value if they don’t first understand they were created by God to love Him, to be in relationship with him, and to love themselves and others. My daughter’s education is sending her down a path of joy, freedom and love. This is the best gift any parent could desire.”

    Megan Mears
    Parent (& Teacher) at St Ignatius of Loyola
  • “This curriculum is giving them [the students] a view of the big picture that truly is arming them against the culture. They are learning who they are, whose they are, and where they were created to live forever. They are learning to spot the good, the true and the beautiful in the world and to use that as their guide for choosing how to live.”

    Vickie Geckle
    St. Ignatius of Loyola, Grades K-5 TOB Teacher
  • “I think what is so beautiful is that in the younger grades we focus on Genesis and other Scripture. As they get a little older, it moves to connecting scripture to stories. And then by the time they are in the middle school grades, we can see them connecting it all to themselves. ‘My gosh, I am a part of this. I’m part of God’s story!’”

    Vickie Geckle
    St. Ignatius of Loyola, Grades K-5 TOB Teacher
  • “It is well organized and the lay out is easy to follow [and] integrate into instructional framework of our school. The content is to be integrated into the classroom community throughout the day, not as single stand alone lessons… ​I absolutely loved the first section with the chants and songs that reinforce the big ideas of TOB into everyday classroom life. It helps our language reflect our beliefs… It made me wish I could teach kindergarten next year!”

    Grades K-8 Principal
    After Reviewing NEW Kindergarten REVEALED Demo Copy
  • “I think you hit the mark… The lessons are spot-on, but also introductory because that is where so many of us (teachers, parents and students) are with regard to digesting and living out these beautiful teachings.”

    Grades K-8 Principal
    After Reviewing NEW Kindergarten REVEALED Demo Copy

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