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TOB Campus Annual Subscription — Year 1

Gain access to a host of formations, tools, courses, & support. Your teachers & Ruah Woods partner together in the hope of receiving the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.  One annual flat rate for EVERY school! 


One annual flat rate for EVERY school!
Your teachers and the Ruah Woods Institute will journey together in the hope of receiving the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. You will gain access to a host of formations, tools, courses, and support.

What’s Included in Your Annual
TOB Campus Year 1 Subscription

  • Nine group staff formation sessions available per year 
  • Access to One Special Topics in TOB Course per year
  • Online Introduction to TOB for Educators Course (workbooks sold separately)
  • K-8 virtual TOB curriculum training bundle
  • TOB Campus support staff member from Ruah Woods
  • Monthly Saint Reflections

More Info

Our young people are surrounded by a culture that has redefined what it means to be human. Schools can no longer sit idly by while the culture distorts the truth. Our staff and students need to be reawakened to the glory of the human person. TOB Campus is the response from Catholic schools to this deficient worldview. Catholic teachers will embark on a journey of continuous formation as a staff. The journey will lead them to:

  • A deeper relationship with Jesus Christ (Guided prayer opportunities)
  • A deeper relationship with one another (Group activities and discussion)
  • A deeper understanding of their faith through the lens of TOB (Regular group formations and optional course offerings)


(45-Minute, 60-Minute & 90-Minute options available for each session)

Session 1 Theme: Introduction to Pope St. John Paul II
Session 2 Theme: A Tale of Two Worldviews
Session 3 Theme: Into the Beginning
Session 4 Theme: The Body-Soul Person
Session 5 Theme: The Spousal Meaning of the Body
Session 6 Theme: Shame
Session 7 Theme: The Heart
Session 8 Theme: Purity
Session 9 Theme: Hope of Heaven

A TOB Campus Ambassador is most likely a chosen member of the staff who is interested in diving deeper into the truths of our faith as illuminated by the Theology of the Body. You will facilitate the group staff formations at your school, but no worries, all of the prep work and content is prepared for you by Ruah Woods Institute. Attend optional monthly round table discussions via zoom with other leaders around the country. Be the leader who helps shape a greater Catholic culture at your school. Your school’s chosen TOB Ambassador does NOT have to be a TOB expert. Your personal TOB Campus support member will walk you through everything.

See our entire web page dedicated to enrolling to be a TOB Campus and see your school on our Honor Roll! Click here.


  • “We are honored to be on the [TOB Campus] honor roll!  That adds to my joy today.  Please know how happy we are to be sharing in your work for our youth.   I could go on gushing!   We are focusing on Christian Anthropology as an important campus wide theme for us this year.  Thank you for making this work easier.”

    K-8 TOB Campus School Principal
    Principal, St. Michael School, Worthington, OH
  • “TOB had a huge impact on my first graders this year! I constantly overheard compliments to one another and even given to me. My class would make hundreds of little notes for ALL of the first graders that read “You are a gift from God” or “You are loved.” I truly believe that TOB has changed the environment of our school. So excited about becoming a TOB Campus!”

    1st Grade Teacher
    At a TOB Campus School
  • “I believe [being a] TOB Campus allowed the students to see and realize in much greater depth that our bodies, minds, and hearts are made for love, and all this comes through God. The students, through scripture, picture books, and fun activities, were much more in tune with the truth that we are made in God’s image. Yet, best of all was the application of this throughout discussions about our class novels and the treatment of each other. It is the most valuable program we can give our most valuable asset: the children. I saw a real difference it made with my students, and their application rekindled my faith. It is a genuine, real, human, and needed program.”

    5th Grade Teacher
    At a TOB Campus School

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