2020 & the Future of the Family
Today, beginning the Year 2000, we cannot but wonder about the future: what direction will the great human family take…

God in the Movies: A Hidden Life of Blessed Franz Jägerstätter
Themes from Theology of the Body are beautifully enfleshed in a recent film about the life and death of the…

Conquering Fear and Opening Wide the Doors for Christ in India
Being a student of many things Theology of the Body and Pope St. John Paul II, I have my favorite…

My Classroom Visit to Help Develop K-8 TOB Standards
Writing Theology of the Body standards for grades K-8 was a challenge at many levels. Adults can find St. John…

The Father’s Love Revealed in the Body
Mary laid Jesus in a manger, a feeding trough, as a hint that one day He would be bread for…

Transforming Schools, Inspiring Saints, and Changing the World
Banners are popping up in schools throughout the country proclaiming: We are a TOB Campus – A Community of Persons Where…

New Resource for Principals and Teachers: Standards for Teaching Theology of the Body by Ruah Woods!
The fact that Jesus taught his disciples how to pray (Matt 6, Luke 11) teaches us a central truth about…

St. John Paul II, Champion of the Human Person
On October 22nd, the Church celebrated the feast of St. John Paul II. Like many others, I have been reflecting…