The Rosary and TOB: Exploring More Deeply the Mystery of Man
This article is written by Debbie Staresinic Many who are familiar with Theology of the Body (TOB) know that St. John Paul…

Bringing TOB to Teachers
Empowering teachers to encourage students Our culture is suffering from anthropological amnesia. As a result, we now have generations of…

Q&A With Emily Macke, Writer Extraordinaire
This month Ruah Woods took a huge loss from our team. Yes, Emily Macke, the wonderful author of CALLED TO BE…

My Last Lesson for Called to be More
Six years ago I embarked on the adventure of writing a Theology of the Body curriculum that could be taught…

Teacher Training Keeps Growing
Phew! Just wrapped up a month of lots of travel, and hosting visitors from near and far. This time of…

Greek Myths and Theology of the Body
The last newsletter we announced that Grades 3-5th Grade will be using Sacred Scripture to study Theology of the Body.…