Knowledge, Procreation, & the Primordial Sacrament
In recent articles, we have reflected on the logic of gift and the spousal meaning of the body. We saw…

Motherhood: A Total Gift of Self
A young mom I know had her first baby last week. I was thinking about and praying for her this…

Gift, Self-gift, and the Meaning of Life — Part 3: The Spousal Meaning of the Body
We saw in previous reflections that all of creation is a gift held in being at every moment by God,…

Gift, Self-gift, and the Meaning of Life — Part 2
Last month, I reflected on the logic of gift and how it is a golden thread woven throughout Pope St.…

Design, Order & Meaning: TOB Undergirds Tough Moral Truths
If the very meaning of our identity, is to become a saint by being a gift and receiving others as…

What Does “Ruah” Mean, Anyhow?
I’ve been a Curriculum Consultant for the Ruah Woods Institute for a couple of years now. When I introduce myself…

Gift, Self-gift, and the Meaning of Life — Part 1
For several months, I have been reflecting in these articles on the “original experiences” explored by Pope St. John Paul…

Unite or Untie? I Get to Choose.
The Two Shall Become One FleshMy daughter got married last month. Leading up to the wedding there was a lot…