The RWP Road Show Comes Home: NCEA 2018 Cincinnati
February 26, 2018
Pope St. John Paul II journeyed to America seven times over twenty years throughout his pontificate, crisscrossing the country literally from sea to shining sea:
Florida, California, Colorado, Maryland, New Jersey, Michigan, Louisiana. He graced so many more of our beautiful states that were touched by this holy pontiff’s blessings, teachings, and great love for people, the pinnacle of all creation. Of course, one of the lasting fruits of his pontificate — the Theology of the Body — has found good soil in a very real way in the ROOTED: Theology of the Body K-12 Curriculum that is just now available from Ruah Woods Press.
While Ruah Woods Press has not visited as many states (yet) with this good news for the classroom, we are on the move! In 2018, we attended the Gulf Coast Faith Formation Conference in the Archdiocese of New Orleans, meeting educators with hearts on fire from the south and beyond. What a blessing to see the new statue of John Paul II commemorating the New Orleans Tricentennial, installed in the French Quarter just days before our arrival.
In February, the Archdiocese of Baltimore hosted a vibrant Mid-Atlantic Congress where we met more friends and educators all living out their vocation of teaching our Catholic faith. It was incredible to share our new ROOTED: K-12 Theology of the Body Curriculum several hundred yards from where the well-traveled Pope John Paul II celebrated Mass at Camden Yards in October 1995. We were also able to attend Mass at Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, celebrated by Archbishop Lori, and also another site of a Pope John Paul II Mass!
After a few more March travels to Lake Charles, LA, Phoenix, AZ and St. Meinrad’s, Indiana our suitcases and travel points are getting a break in April for the 2018 NCEA. We are thrilled to be hosting this important and exciting conference for Catholic educators right here in our home Archdiocese of Cincinnati.
We hope you visit us at our Ruah Woods Press booth to meet us and view our latest and greatest curriculum developments. We are happy to share our K-12 program and the best ways to bring these vibrant teachings to your school, parish and diocese. We also know the two opportunities to learn more about bringing Theology of the Body to life in your school will be a fantastic time of learning.
While at the NCEA, be sure to check out these two Theology of the Body break-out sessions:
A Vision of the Human Person: Teaching Theology of the Body in Catholic Schools.
Matching Method with Content in Theology of the Body Curriculum.
We are so much looking forward to seeing many of you in person in Cincinnati!