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Summer Reading List… for Teachers and Parents

June 29, 2019

Who is more delighted it’s summertime? Students, parents or teachers? Everyone needs a break from early mornings, homework, packed lunches and the routine of the school year. We pray your summer break is a time of joy and relaxation filled with lazy mornings, sunshine, extra time with family and friends, vacations, new experiences and the recharge everyone needs. Of course, we pray you have plenty of time for God and to grow deeper in your faith. Indeed, we also pray you have time for Theology of the Body!

People are made for happiness. Rightly you thirst for happiness.  Christ has the answer to this desire.”
— St. Pope John Paul II

Most students came home with school reading lists, but what about reading lists for teachers and parents? While you may devour this summer’s best sellers, mysteries, non-fiction, drama and love stories, how about being captured by reading an excellent Theology of the Body book or two?

The human drama of being created in the image and likeness of God will unfold in the titles we suggest. The best-selling book of all time, The Bible, reveals through scripture, the history of our faith. The ultimate mystery of Trinitarian love is so much easier to comprehend in light of reading about TOB. It’s even more than divinely inspired non-fiction when we understand our place in God’s divine plan of salvation.

Read a Theology of the Body themed book on our recommended reading list! Take some time to reflect on the fact that our body reveals who we are, created in the image and likeness of God. Discover a selection that attractively illuminates a beautiful perspective on the sacramentality of marriage. You can’t go wrong with choosing any of these enriching titles:

Theology of the Body for Beginners, Christopher West
Men and Women are from Eden, Mary Healy
Theology of the Body in One Hour, Jason Evert
The Theology of the Body Made Simple, Anthony Percy
These Beautiful Bones, Emily Stimpson

Written by Laura Strietmann, Curriculum Consultant



Evie Estes