Taking Pre-Orders for Completed Grades 6-8 TOB Curriculum Now
March 05, 2019
As we wrap up the Pilot Study of our Grades 6 through 8 materials, the time has come to start taking Pre-Orders for the completed edition of our Junior High curriculum! This marks the final segment to complete our full ROOTED: K-12 Theology of the Body Curriculum, to be available for the 2019/20 school-year.
Noteworthy is the fact that our pilot grades 6 through 8 only contained two themed units, whereas the completed resources are expanded to six themed units per grade. Furthermore, the final individual student Commonplace Books are a durable quality with a lay-flat binding, beautifully designed for a real keepsake and touchstone for years to come.
Grade 6 Identity & Gift includes:
- Creation as Radical Gift
- The Image of God
- The Body Reveals Man
- Original Solitude
- Original Unity
- Original Nakedness
Grade 7 Freedom & Virtue includes:
- Man of Concupiscence
- Redeemed and Called To Greatness
- Law & Love
- Life According to the Spirit
- The Heroism of Love: Suffering & Gift
- The Spousal Meaning of the Body
Grade 8 Vocation & Communion includes:
- Vocation & Gift
- Called to Love: Virginity for the Sake of the Kingdom
- Called to Love: Sacrament of Marriage
- Paul on Flesh & Spirit
- Logic of Domination vs. Logic of Gift
- Final Victory Over Death: Resurrection of the Body
Pre-Order your non-consumable Teacher’s Guide for Grades 6, 7 and/or 8 for $25
Plus the Grade 6, 7 and/or 8 Commonplace Book, one per student per year for $10
We will be shipping these as they come off the presses, with the Grade 8 scheduled for shipping in October 2019 .