Theology of the Body training & formation for teachers
Learn, teach, and connect with other like-minded educational professionals to dig deeper into Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.
*(Looking for REVEALED/ROOTED K-8 curriculum activities, worksheets & lesson planning guides for downloading & printing? Refer to the URL in your teacher’s guide for free access).
Gain the clear, relatable language and resources you need to support children as they grow
Educators often don’t feel equipped to properly invest in the faith formation of young children. It’s time to feel prepared to teach the truth with clarity and compassion. With the full training and support for teachers we offer, you’ll be ready to be the teacher your students need you to be.

Flagship TOB Training & Formation Full Day Onsite:

Two training specialists travel to spend the day with educators & staff on location for a live, in-person TOB training & formation experience. Practical aspects & structure of our K-12 Curriculum breakout sessions followed by discussion & Q&A conclude the day. Contact DJ Hueneman for details.
Online TOB Educator Course
Gain confidence in teaching Ruah Woods Institute’s Theology of the Body from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
Introduction to the Theology of the Body for Educators: Revealing God’s Plan for the Human Person $150
Enjoy access to three video sessions & purchase accompanying 48-page workbooks for your teachers & staff.
Supporting teachers through our TOB Campus Annual Subscription for $750 per year as they form the next generation of saints.

TOB Campus is an annual school staff formation subscription:
- Nine group staff formation sessions per year
- Weekly Refresh: Audio Inspirations
- One new Special Topics TOB Course per year
- Online Intro. to TOB Course included (workbooks sold separately)
- K-8 video TOB curriculum lesson overviews
- A personal TOB Campus support staff member from Ruah Woods
- Monthly saint reflections
- TOB mass petitions, posters & banner

Need further support? The Ruah Woods Institute team has your back.

Need resources to help with parent conversations? Find a parent video, and parent TOB intro. letter plus other helpful supporting materials to help your students’ families.

Looking for REVEALED/ROOTED K-8 curriculum activities and worksheets ? Refer to the URL in your teacher’s guide for free access.

Want to join a community of supportive schools? Explore the all-new TOB CAMPUS experience.