Theology of the Body for Middle School Students
Our Theology of the Body curriculum for students in grades 6-8, ROOTED, will help your students explore scripture, Pope St. John Paul II’s teaching, and their own dignity in 6 grade-specific, accessible units. Through ROOTED, your students will be able to understand what it means to be made in God’s image, begin to see themselves and others as gifts, and grow their own roots and wings in God’s perfect plan.
Bring the Theology of the Body alive throughout the middle school years.
Educators are called to help young students understand who they’re made to be and how to live in love. However, translating the Language of the Body can be difficult. You need clear, age-appropriate ways to make God’s design for us part of the conversation.

With ROOTED, feel empowered to help your students grow in grace.
- Offer your students theologically-rooted answers to their questions
- Provide interactive, fun activities that teach the beauty of TOB
- Help your students understand their identity as children of God
- Support your middle schoolers as they learn about their mission in life
The power of Theology of the Body for middle school students
In our ROOTED: Theology of the Body for Middle School Series, we’ve woven Pope St. John Paul II’s teachings through both the content and the way it’s taught. Each grade’s curriculum includes a few different themes to work through and revisit as needed. The ROOTED units all feature activities, ideas for real-life application, and questions to spark discussion — all allowing you to choose your classroom’s unique path through the Theology of the Body journey.
This beautiful Theology of the Body for middle school students curriculum includes:
Teacher’s Guide
Each guide contains scripture connections, quotes from Man and Woman He Created Them, questions, activities, and challenges to help students continue learning outside the classroom. This bundle may include Teacher’s Guides for each grade level in whatever quantity suits your needs (6, 7, 8).

Student Commonplace Book
Students use one Commonplace Book per year for each grade level to explore Theology of the Body lessons and do individual work, in response to the dynamic learnings from the classroom. Each student book includes Theology of the Body prompts, reflections, and intentional assignments.

Progressively Over Grades 6-8:
- Promote a sense of gratitude
- Develop a sense of community
- Observe and listen (before output and speaking)
- Foster an awareness of these truths:
- It is good that you exist
- You are not alone
- You are called to great things
- Your authentic identity comes from God
- Start thinking from cause to effect; whole to parts; principle to concrete
- Summarize, analyze and learn how to make a judgement
- Compare/contrast: name and be able to define and distinguish
- Develop habits of courteous dialogue, real questioning and patient listening
- Grow a capacity for stillness and silent reflection
- Think about questions of anthropology and morality, remembering heaven is our final end

Priced to work with your school’s resources
Each grade features a non-consumable $35 Teacher’s Guide and an annually consumable $10 Student Common Place Book, containing Theology of the Body journaling prompts, reflections, and intentional assignments.

Theology of the Body for Middle School
The 6-8 curriculum builds on our REVEALED K-5 program to help students grow in their identity as sons and daughters of God, and to act accordingly. In age-appropriate ways, students begin to discover what it means to have innate dignity. Together, you and your students will realize what it means to see everyone, male and female, as a beloved gift.
- Creation is a Gift
- The Image of God
- The Body Reveals Man
- Original Solitude
- Original Unity
- Original Nakedness
- Man of Concupiscence
- Redeemed and Called to Greatness
- Law and Love
- Life According to the Spirit
- The Heroism of Love: Suffering and Gift
- The Spousal Meaning of the Body
- Vocation and Gift
- Called to Love: Virginity for the Sake of the Kingdom
- Called to Love: Sacrament of Marriage
- St. Paul on Flesh and Spirit
- Logic of Domination vs. Logic of Gift
- Final Victory over Death: Resurrection of the Body

Guidance for Parents of 6-8 Grade Students
Perhaps you’re interested in supplementing your child’s school- or parish-based Theology of the Body education at home. Alternatively, you may be interested in comprehensive homeschool resources as you support your student’s formation under your own roof. In either case, we’ve got the materials you need.

Educator Support
Explore our helpful page of resources ready to help you inspire a generation of saints.