Reclaim your school’s Catholic identity — bring Theology of the Body to life and commit to ongoing formation.

View our one-minute TOB Campus Introduction Video

This is your Catholic school’s response to a deficient worldview — where teachers embark on a journey of continuous formation.

Our young people are surrounded by a culture that has redefined what it means to be human. Catholic schools can no longer sit idly by while the culture distorts the truth. Our staff and students need to be reawakened to the glory of the human person.

Pope John Paul the Great proclaimed the sacramental worldview, which allows us to see the rich meaning revealed through the created world and in a profound way through our bodiliness as human persons created in the image and likeness of God.

A rear view of a multi-ethnic group of elementary age girl friends are standing together with their arms around each other.

As a TOB Campus annual subscriber for $750 per year, your school staff will enjoy:

  • Nine group staff formation sessions available per year
  • Special Topics Courses in TOB Free
  • Online Intro to TOB Course (workbooks sold separately)
  • K-8 virtual TOB curriculum training bundle
  • Monthly Saint Reflections
  • TOB Campus Honor Roll on our Website

*A TOB Campus Ambassador is interested in diving deeper into the truths of our Faith as illuminated by the Theology of the Body. Lead group staff formations (content provided by Ruah Woods) at your school, attend optional round table discussions with other teachers nationwide, and be a leader who helps to shape a greater Catholic culture in your school.


There are 9 group formations available per year. These staff formation sessions are expertly designed by the Ruah Woods Institute. As a staff you will:

  1. Increase your knowledge of the Faith as Illuminated by the Theology of the Body
  2. Increase your relationships with one another through small group activities and discussions
  3. Deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ through guided Scripture reflections

Leader guides are provided to your TOB Ambassador to facilitate each session. CLICK HERE TO VIEW A SAMPLE

Attendee guides and activity sheets are provided for each session participant. CLICK HERE TO VIEW A SAMPLE

Content videos are provided for each session.

Scripture reflection videos are provided for each session.

What is the investment of the
NEW TOB Campus Annual Subscription?

A TOB Campus annual subscription will invest time throughout the academic year for continuous group staff formation and other actions to transform the campus culture. A robust offering of expertly crafted group formations, digital courses, and supporting materials are included for one low annual rate of $750. In addition, each active TOB Campus is assigned their very own TOB support staff member from Ruah Woods, who provides unlimited, personal support and encouragement throughout the year.

BONUS GIFT for the Next 150 Schools Ordering an Annual Subscription to Become a
TOB Campus Year One for this 2024-25 School Year!

Ready to equip your school with the tools and language you need to serve your young community? Fill out the form below, commit to teaching our curriculum, and we’ll send you a welcome kit, plus this beautiful banner… and be in touch with how your school may access ongoing formation for your staff and educators!

ACT NOW: Be one of the next 150 schools to commit to teach our curriculum school wide, plus sign-up to become an active Year 1 TOB Campus with an annual subscription purchase and you will receive a FREE “We Are a TOB Campus” 8′ x 4′ vinyl banner ($175 value) to display while supplies last!

We are a TOB Campus Banner

Fill-in a TOB Campus Interest Form Below & We Will Contact You:


What it means to be a
TOB Campus

By enrolling to become a TOB Campus, you’re committing to living and teaching the truth with clarity and compassion through our curriculum, and ongoing staff formation. Our Catholic schools show up for their students and the world by practicing: 

  • PRAYER. We help every student and staff member strengthen their relationship with God.
  • SERVICE. As a grateful response to God’s love for us all, we prioritize serving our community’s needs. 
  • DIGNITY OF THE HUMAN PERSON.  We uphold the intrinsic dignity of every human person.
  • UNIQUENESS.  We affirm every person by calling and praying for one another by name.
  • EDUCATION.  We believe education is first a cultivation of awe and wonder at the gift of God’s creation.
  • VOCATION.  We help our students discern their unique vocation to love and lead.
  • DISCIPLINE.  Our students, faculty and staff choose to live in line with their purpose.
  • ENVIRONMENT.  We strive to preserve the goodness and beauty of creation.
  • RELATIONSHIP. A deeper relationship with Jesus and one another.
  • FAITH. A greater understanding of our faith through the lens of TOB.
  • AUTHENTIC MASCULINITY & FEMININITY. We cultivate this treasure in each other.

See who else has signed up as a TOB Campus. We’re proud to inspire a wave of schools across the nation ready to stand up for students. See the schools on the TOB Campus honor roll, and then sign up today to put your school on the list. 

TOB Campus: Monthly Staff Formation

Once a month, experience a centering staff formation led by your TOB Campus ambassador. With a unique video produced by Ruah Woods Institute, small discussions, and time for guided prayer, these staff formation events will help your staff feel ready to meet real-world challenges with clarity and compassion. 

In YEAR 1 of your TOB Campus subscription, your team will review the following topics for group formation sessions 1-9: 

1. Intro to John Paul II

2. A Tale of Two Worldviews

3. Into the Beginning

4. The Body-Soul Person

5. The Spousal Meaning of the Body

6. Shame

7. The Heart

8. Purity

9. Hope of Heaven

In YEAR 2 of your TOB Campus subscription, your team will review the following topics for group formation sessions 1-9: 

1. Human Dignity

2. Healthy Self-Love 

3. The Problem of Evil 

4. Healing 

5. Celibacy for the Sake of the Kingdom 

6. Original Solitude 

7. Original Unity

8. Original Nakedness

9. Dignity and Disabilities 

1. The Sacramental Prism

2. A Sign of Our Time

3. Work

4. Spiritual Parenthood

5. Manners

6. A Well-Dressed Person

7. The Gift of Food

8. The Language of the Liturgy

9. A Culture of Distraction

“I believe [being a] TOB Campus allowed the students to see and realize in much greater depth that our bodies, minds, and hearts are made for love, and all this comes through God. The students, through scripture, picture books, and fun activities, were much more in tune with the truth that we are made in God’s image. Yet, best of all was the application of this throughout discussions about our class novels and the treatment of each other. It is the most valuable program we can give our most valuable asset: the children. I saw a real difference it made with my students, and their application rekindled my faith. It is a genuine, real, human, and needed program.”

5th grade teacher
a TOB campus school

“TOB had a huge impact on my first graders this year! I constantly overheard compliments to one another and even given to me. My class would make hundreds of little notes for ALL of the first graders that read “You are a gift from God” or “You are loved.” I truly believe that TOB has changed the environment of our school. So excited about becoming a TOB Campus!”

1st grade teacher
a TOB Campus school

“We are honored to be on the [TOB Campus] honor roll!  That adds to my joy today.  Please know how happy we are to be sharing in your work for our youth.   I could go on gushing!   We are focusing on Christian Anthropology as an important campus wide theme for us this year.  Thank you for making this work easier.”

Previous Principal

St. Michael School, Worthington, OH

Teacher and students in classroom