Transforming Schools, Inspiring Saints, and Changing the World
November 22, 2019
Banners are popping up in schools throughout the country proclaiming: We are a TOB Campus – A Community of Persons Where Everybody is Seen as a Gift. Why all the excitement? And what does TOB Campus even mean?
A TOB Campus embraces the following… we are first and foremost a Catholic school, fully committed to Jesus Christ and the Church. Grounded in our Christ-centered Catholic identity along with the profound vision of man proposed in the Theology of the Body (TOB).
We teach that every person is a unique, unrepeatable gift – and we are honored to uphold the dignity of everyone in all we do. We see education as an act of love and a sharing in the work of Christ, the Good Teacher.
What are the fruits of being a TOB Campus?
When everybody lives according to the essential meaning as gift, sharing Christ’s love in all that is done, schools cultivate a campus life together rich in spiritual fruits such as…
“Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, and chastity.” (CCC 1832 and Gal 5:22-23)
How to become a TOB Campus
Make the decision to become a TOB Campus. Sign up and raise the banner. Purchase and teach Rooted: K-12 Theology of the Body Curriculum. Live the vision school-wide. Promote Theology of the Body components throughout the school year including praying one decade of the rosary (or more) each day using On a Mission to Love.
Parents, pastors, teachers, administrators, you can learn more about transforming your school with TOB Campus here. Together we can change the world!