Warm Welcome to Luke Glenn to the Ruah Woods Team!
September 13, 2024
Hello there! I am excited to put my skills and talents to good use as the IT Analyst and Support team member at Ruah Woods Institute. From an early age, I have had an interest in computers and technology, thus having this opportunity to combine that with my strongly held faith serving a Catholic, non-profit ministry is a perfect fit for me. Interestingly, I (briefly) majored in education in college, which predominantly stemmed from my desire to steer our youth towards God and Truth. So, as I see it, by Divine Providence, doing Analytics for the world’s first K-12 Theology of the Body Curriculum, is the best of both of those vocational desires God has placed within my heart.

I was born in Cincinnati, but raised in an eastern outskirt, a small village in rural Ohio known as New Richmond. I am the fourth in line of Daniel and Shelley Glenn’s five children, as I have three older siblings Taylor, Jacob, and Sarah, plus my younger brother, rounds out the family. Unlike many of my current colleagues, I didn’t grow up Catholic. Fortunately, though, in attending the local, public high school, New Richmond High School, I was exposed to lots of Latin music, as a member of the Troubadours (choir). Subsequently, I was blessed with the chance to attend a local Catholic college, Thomas More University from 2017-2021, where I met my wife, ran Cross Country and Track, and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems, all in one fell swoop. I am a Parishioner of St. Anthony of Padua’s Maronite Catholic Church on the Eastside of Cincinnati, which also distinguishes me from my colleagues, as I am not Roman, but fully Catholic (chuckle). After finishing college, I married Emma in May of 2022, and we are both elated to be expecting our first child in February of 2025.

Despite not converting to Catholicism until 2021, it was my grandfather Bruce Glenn who sparked my interest in the True Faith at a very early age. It didn’t make sense to me that all religions or churches could be equally good (or true), if they teach fundamentally different things. From there, I held an interest in Catholicism for years but couldn’t fully commit to it until adulthood. Despite what you may be thinking, I didn’t attend a Catholic university intentionally because of this. However, Jesus was fully present in the Eucharist on campus, which I believe guided me in all of my decisions up to this point, whether I knew it or not.

After entering the work force, my career path has taken me everywhere from an IT Helpdesk at Hamilton County Auditor’s and Encore Technologies, to doing Business Analytics for Sogeti and Avis Industrial. I joined Ruah Woods this year because I wanted to take my talents in IT and apply them toward a Catholic Organization, serving a greater purpose with my God-given gifts and talents. I’m particularly encouraged about working for Ruah Woods Institute in this current culture, as Pope St. John Paul II’s prescient teaching, Theology of the Body, is instrumental in combating gender ideology, the evil that is alarmingly leading so many astray from God’s plan for them.
It was St. Joan of Arc who bravely asserted, ” I am not afraid…I was born to do this.” I take courage in reflecting upon her declaration, because I believe the exact same thing about myself. God has prepared me to contribute and make a difference using my tech. skills combined with my faithfully Catholic heart, in a time such as this.

Written by, Luke Glenn,
IT Analyst & Support at Ruah Woods Institute