Welcome, Evie Estes!
September 27, 2018
The past couple of months brought a lot of changes to us at Ruah Woods. Some sad, as you saw last month with the loss of Emily Macke from our Ruah team. But also some beautiful events like our Annual Ruah Woods banquet. With all that said one of the most exciting changes is the new addition to our team.
With our ever-growing ministry, we needed a couple of extra hands to help with the increase of teachers and schools who are interested in making Theology of the Body a part of their school. For this reason, Evie Estes has decided to join our family to help with customer service and sales. Below you will find a few questions to help you get to know Evie, her role here, and what she hopes to accomplish.
What is your new role here at Ruah Woods, and what does that entail?
I have been brought on part-time as Curriculum Support for our K-12 TOB Rooted Curriculum. It entails any sales, customer service, and any support I can provide to customers. This includes the beautiful Catholic teachers, schools, parishes, and homeschoolers who wish to incorporate JPII’s holistic Theology of the Body lessons into their curriculum. I also will help with updating website content as well, and pretty much anything else that’s asked of me.
What makes you want to work for a non-profit like Ruah Woods?
Catholic moral theology and social doctrine compel me to spread the beauty and truth of the one holy apostolic church. Only through a ministry like Ruah Woods can I do this. I have used my skills as a certified parenting coach to teach parenting classes at Pregnancy Center East for the past 10 years. I also was involved in parish ministry at St Mary’s Church in Hyde Park. For the past two years, I have been pursuing my masters of the Lay Pastoral Ministry Master’s Program at the Athenaeum of Ohio. It’s fulfilling to play an integral part in helping children, wide-eyed with wonder and families to blossom. The attack on the human person and the foundations of the family oblige me to do my part to help prevent needless hurt, pain and suffering. I hope to play a part in healing the damaging lies we are dealing with today.
How has your experience prepared you for this role?
First and foremost, my solid Catholic convictions are the most important element I bring to my life and work. I have a strong sales and marketing background from pharmaceutical sales. Also, I was a publisher/managing editor of a local website for families.
What do you look forward to doing, here at Ruah Woods?
I am here to help spread St John Paul II‘s teachings in any way that I can. I love hearing feedback from the fruits and blessings that come from implementing our TOB curriculum. This includes schools, families and especially the hearts of the children who are so open to seeing the world, their relationships and themselves as a gift from God.