Winter Curriculum Update 2017
December 04, 2017
The fullness of time is here!
Our K-2 curriculum has received the imprimatur from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and is now on press!
We will be delivering units by the first of the year. Many have already placed their order and will start the new year with fresh materials to open young eyes and ears to the awe and wonder of creation — and, of course, our place in the whole beautiful story.
How perfect…as we anticipate the light of the world to come into our lives this Christmas.
Place your Order for K-2 materials now…
We have priced this curriculum to be most affordable. Each grade (Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 2) sells for $90 and includes four books: two wonderfully illustrated works of literature and a Teacher’s Guide for each. The Teacher’s Guides offer a step by step path to introducing the Theology of the Body to students. Through the teacher’s reading of the delightful story, discussing as a class, and then working on engaging activities, each student can take Theology of the Body into their hearts and into their lives forever. Teachers will find several themes to follow within every Teacher’s Guide so they can revisit the teaching throughout the year in inventive and wonderful ways. The one-time $90 purchase per grade will serve you and your students for years and years. Be among the first to discover how easy it is to teach the dignity of the human person, each of us created by love and for love. Click here to get started.
Material for grades 3-8 is currently under way. Grade 3-5 will be complete this fall. And Grade 6-8 pilot materials will be available by fall of 2018 as well. Please check back, we will accept advance orders in anticipation of those materials as the time gets closer.
We especially invite all interested schools to participate in our junior high pilot program. Students and teachers alike will enjoy this one-of-a-kind opportunity to assist in shaping the final product. The materials will be exciting, engaging, and embody a fresh approach to appreciating our God-given dignity at this most critical state of human development. Who Am I? How do I live in today’s world? How do I stay focused on becoming who God created me to be? Are there certain truths in the world? Theology of the Body taught in greades 6-8 will create a noticeable unity and beautiful fruit in your school!
Our high school curriculum, Called to be More is online and being eagerly received by many schools, teachers and students. It follows the USCCB high school catechetical curriculum framework, so that this supplemental Theology of the Body material is easy to weave into the current curriculum. With a $5 subscription, you can have access to all six semesters. In addition to being a treasured resource for students, we are discovering it’s a great way for educators and parents to learn the nuance and delight of Theology of the Body at home. Click here now (enroll one student — yourself) if you would like to explore the beauty and richness of Called to be More. Six semesters are complete, with Semesters 7 and 8 to be finished this fall 2018.
Beauty will Save the World
The good news is spreading so fast!! All thanks and praise be to God! This is the vision of Pope St. John Paul II that was written for us at this time — the truth of God will prevail. And we need you to help us bring it alive in hearts and in the classroom. Next year, we will have Theology of the Body material for every grade level K-12. This Advent, we pray that you join us in bringing this light into the world along with the rule of our infant Savior and King.